Monday, January 16, 2012

Technology Stack at the new job

Technology Stack at the new job: Enterprise based Insurance mgt. System. Portland, OR

The project is under development since about 2 yrs, then I joined the project, I am hired to fix the bugs related to the application, so I learn the system and technology involved. -Expectation: fix bugs and become aware of the system during fixes.

Obviously there is a lot of code involved which the other developers have implemented and has been moved on to other projects. Expectation -Just fix them.

Working with current developers, they have rich experience with the system. BSAs work on requirements awa with Quality. Expectation -Work with them

IBM Rational Application Developer 8.1
IBM Websphere 7.x (Cell=5HD0HM1Node01Cell, Profile=was70profile1)
Aqua Data Studio 7.5 (for querying database like toad)
Servlet 2.5
JSP: ??
Tools: hbm2java
Web framework: JSF 2.0??? (facelets included)
JEE 5 specification includes JSF
JSF: Sun Implementation version?
JSF component libraries: RichFaces 3.3.1 (does not includes Ajax4Jsf, but Richfaces 4.x does it)
JBoss Seam 2.2 framework
Hibernate: 3.1 (includes annotations)
ehcache 2.2
Spring 2.5.6
Jconnect3 6.05
Code Repository: CVS
Junit 4.4
Database: Sybase

Maven not yet!! Hopefully they will ask for my help in later phase. Mavenize!!

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