Thursday, June 18, 2009

Software Development Life Cycle

SDLC: Phases

Any software development would involve the following phases/activities. Around these, various models are formulated.
  • Preliminary Investigation
  • Requirements Analysis
  • Design: System, Detail
  • Implementation
  • Testing
  • Deployment
  • Acceptance Testing
  • Support
  • Signoff
In short a unit of software development is termed as task involving all above or most of them; depends on the client.

Another famous term:
ADITE: Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Evaluation
Waferfall (classical) model involves ADITE for three to six months to complete this cycle, the name also says it is one directional, so no going back once the contract is signed in terms of any requirements changes; which says it is not an adaptable practice or opened to changes.
The outcome will only be known after 3 to 6 months of work; it is not a good idea to wait for long and putting efforts where client is not involved after signing the contract; it may put him in surprising situations, which mostly fails his expectations and scrapping the project eventually.

To fill in the pitfalls of W model, AGILE has been introduced, which involves proven practices.
.....To be continued

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